My deranged world

"The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
Welcome to my lightning bug zoo.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Odessa File

I heard a bad news today morning, real bad news, and was depressed and tired at the end of the day. So no study, no work even no novels……am in a mood to sulk. Today, something about a book I have read some two years back. It is “Odessa File”. My favorite Forsyth book, I know it is bit weird choice. People love the jackal, or at least Avenger, but am obsessed with this part holocaust part typical Forsyth type man hunt saga. Ethnic cleansing, according to me is an everlasting symbol of the beast within us. Holocaust is no doubt one of the darkest chapters of humanity, and this book depicts that with excellence. It is fast, thrilling and complex. All starts with a suicide of an elderly German Jew, almost a non entity, and thus begins the whirlwind journey which involves a Mafia-like organization called Odessa, a real-life fugitive known as the "Butcher of Riga", a young German journalist who wants justice for the historically tormented soul, a brilliant, ruthless plot to reestablish the worldwide power of SS mass murderers and to carry out Hitler's chilling "Final Solution." The novel was never burdened with all the details and history unlike Mr. Brown’s latest disaster. And till date it remains my favorite thriller.

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