My deranged world

"The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
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Monday, March 8, 2010

WATCHMEN, 4 Down, 8 more to Go, started Foucault's Pendulum

Am through the first 4 issues of Watchmen, and ya am loving it. Its bit dark, violent bit explicit at times, but then that’s the point of it I guess. Who thought super heroes had such gray shades (its almost dark). Ever heard of retired superheroes bithching about each other? Lolz.. Its difficult to decide who is right and who is wrong there. But ya am not gonna tell anything more, it is not being called one of the best graphic novels ever for nothing. You have to read it to know. But regarding a minor let-down, at times it is too dark to read, at a stretch. So I guess it would take more time than expected to finish the series.

In the mean time I was reading Focault’s Pendulum, a gift from my best friend. Started it in an early morning flight from Kolkata but quickly realized this requires more attention and more dedication.

Foucault's Pendulum (original title: Il pendolo di Foucault) is novel a by Italian novelist and philosopher Umberto Eco. It was first published in 1988; the translation into English by William Weaver appeared a year later. Foucault's Pendulum is divided into ten segments represented by the ten Sefiroth. The novel is full of esoteric references to the Kabbalah, alchemy and conspiracy theory, so many that critic and novelist Anthony Burgess suggested that it needed an index. The title of the book refers to an actual pendulum designed by the French physicist Léon Foucault to demonstrate the rotation of the earth, which has symbolic significance within the novel.’ (credit goes to Wiki , as am at page 20 only, too early to comment about a so called ‘masterpiece’).

“When the Light of the Endless was drawn in the form of a straight line in the Void... it was not drawn and extended immediately downwards, indeed it extended slowly — that is to say, at first the Line of Light began to extend and at the very start of its extension in the secret of the Line it was drawn and shaped into a wheel, perfectly circular all around.”- that’s the starting point friends, so you understand it is a real long term project, in between can u suggest something light for a bed time reading?The first quotation was in Hebrew, got the translation from net, even got to know that its Hebrew from Google only, am such ignorant soul.

(once again credit for the images go to Google image and respective websites, am too lazy to scan my own copy. My book cover looks different and better, didn’t get an image of that)

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